In stock!! Shimano 600 Arabesque🌿

知る人ぞ知る、唐草模様がついた有名モデル、Shimano(シマノ)600 アラベスクのコンポーネント数点が入荷いたしました!



・クランクセット(フィキシングボルト付き)170mm 52-42T
・後付けケーブルガイド(BB側・RD側 バンドタイプ)


We have just received several components from the well-known Shimano 600 Arabesque, a legendary model recognized by those in the know!

These components feature elegant Arabesque (scrollwork) engravings on their surfaces, a unique design that was originally intended to complement European frames of the era.

These are in good used condition. Unfortunately, the full set of components is not complete, but this model has become extremely rare over time. If you’re interested, don’t miss this opportunity!

We are planning to sell them as a set, with the following components included:

  • Crankset (with fixing bolts) 170mm 52-42T
  • Brake caliper set
  • Shift W lever set (band type)
  • Front derailleur (band type)
  • Rear derailleur
  • Retrofit cable guides (BB side & RD side, band type)

※ Other parts are not included.
※ The outer band shown in the pictures is sold separately.

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